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A Pocket Prayer for Unarmed Civilian Protectors

Holy Spirit, remind me today that I am here, in a situation of unsafety, to pray. Help my body move with “a cadence of peace” that I might provide a different fulcrum between the armed and the unarmed. May I be swift in discerning dynamics, clear in taking action, courageous in preventing harm. If I should die today in the service of nonviolence, grant forgiveness to my killers, healing to the wounded, and comfort to my companions. If I should live today in my service of nonviolence, then deepen in me Your Energy for Life; and when I wake tomorrow, fit my feet once again “with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.” Amen.


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For Liberation

May our liberation come as we seek to bring liberation to others, realizing that our freedoms are bound together in our common humanity.


Created by David F. Potter, 2020

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