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That We Might Envision a New America

Holy, Holy, Holy God, God of power and might, God who gathers your people

and holds them to her bosom as a hen gathers her chicks; that God: Hear our prayers.

Hear the prayers of the protesters in Portland:

As they push back against camouflaged non-police, non-military,

non-identified brutes-in-a-uniform swinging batons at Navy veterans

who simply stand at attention.

Hear the prayers of the mothers locking arms on Portland’s front lines.

They chant: "Leave our kids alone!" And every word is prayer.

Hear our prayers for the officers who actually want to do right and are caught in between;

give them courage to face down evil impulses, to subvert unjust pathologies as they join their comrades who shaped the Task Force Recommendations on 21st Century Policing

and sound the trumpet for a new day in America.

And hear our prayers God for the 4 million plus...

Elders, Mothers, Fathers and Grandfathers, Children and Grandchildren, Homeless and Homed, Rich and Poor people, the 4 million images of God for whom it has hurt to breathe:

Come close, Lord. Save them, Lord. Save us, Lord.

Remove the ones whose folly blocks justice and life, and liberty, and happiness.

And, Holy, Holy, Holy God, be with the movement makers now:

Sit with them, heal their broken hearts,

make them community to each other, beloved community;

and give them eyes to see next steps and next paths and next bends,

and the Next America! Help them see it, so all can see it!

Come close now, Brown Jesus: We need you, O we need you; Every hour we need you.

Oh, bless us now, Brown Jesus; We come to you. Amen.


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For Liberation

May our liberation come as we seek to bring liberation to others, realizing that our freedoms are bound together in our common humanity.


Created by David F. Potter, 2020

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