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God, as our world is on fire, we are desperate for a healing justice unshackled from any industrial complex. Empower us to build new relationships that are intersectional, embodied, and equitable. Strengthen us to also practice the way of healing ourselves as we strive to lead movements for justice, for it is only then that we can be the healing of our collective wounds. Amen. 


Almighty God

God of both Cain and Abel 

God the wandering tent dweller

Of Hagar, Leah and Tamar

God of the enslaved, 

God of the oppressed, 

God, who sends prophets, priests, poets, philosophers and friends to console, council and commune with us

God of the refugee and sex-worker, of the rebel and the murderous adulterer, David

God who longs for justice to flow like rivers and righteousness like a never-ending stream

Take the ordinary offering of our impoverished dreams

Transform and redeem the poverty of our imagination

Give life to our limitations, caused by our own greed

Give quenching hope to the relentless lust for false comfort

Satisfy us only with your love, justice and peace - 

With your very self...until

We dream your dreams and share in the work

of making your dreams come true for all creation



God of Eternal Flourishing, in whom the vastness of all time exists: Disrupt the forces of evil in this present age, that we might be drawn into your just future. Overturn the idolatry of public safety in this land and the unjust structures that manufacture it; relinquish also our death grip on systems of brutality, that all might know your abundant life. Grant us enough imagination to envision a reality beyond the subjugation of bodies, and the courage to live into a way of common flourishing whereby policing is abolished. Amen.


Credit: David F. Potter


Created by David F. Potter, 2020

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