Creator God, Healer of wounds,
Your mercies are new every morning.
As our bodies in motion are temples of your presence,
Keep us safe and heal our injuries.
Lord, for those whose immune systems need more support,
shield their community from sickness;
for in you we all move and breathe and have our being.
Your son Jesus Christ, street medic in his spiritual and political revolution,
preferred to spend time with the outcast, the disabled, and the agitators.
Empower and guide our street medics and community health workers;
may they comfort and protect those along the way of life and truth,
so that we may continue following you, however perilous the journey.
In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Credit: Andrew Harmon
Señor, tú creaste todas las cosas con tu Palabra poderosa y transformadora.
Tú eres presencia constante en medio del pueblo que sufre y clama.
Te pedimos por la energÃa y la pasión en nuestras voces y demandas,
ahora cuando nos disponemos a marchar y protestar por nuestros derechos.
Que nuestras manos muestren lo que podemos hacer juntos.
Que nuestros pies anuncien el camino por recorrer.
Que nuestras voces compartan el sueño por tu Reino aquà y ahora.
Que nuestras vidas sean el sacrificio perfecto para la transformación de nuestra realidad.
Oramos en el nombre de Jesucristo. Amen.
Credit: Rev. Yoimel González Hernández
Protector and Servant of the Oppressed, whose Child was pierced with metal by militarized police, we know that wherever there is a broken body, wherever there are tears, you are there. May your holy and life-giving Spirit so move every human heart that all racial barriers that divide us would crumble. May those who have been ordained to protect and serve repent of their violence, that they may join with us in the new life you have promised in Jesus Christ. Amen.
Credit: Kenji Kuramitsu
Kuramitsu, Kenji. 2017. A Booklet of Uncommon Prayer: Collects for the #BlackLivesMatter Movement - and Beyond. Evangelicals for Social Action.